This our 59th year having fun at Camp Tacanneko
Camp Tacanneko is a week-long traditional day camp experience for girls and boys leaving K-11th grade. Campers participate in music, arts-n-crafts, swimming, try-ads and starflight level. Space is Limited and campers may be placed on a wait list. If placed on a wait list you will be notified.
To Register: Fill out registration form below and health form. Return form with fees to address:
CAMP FIRE CENTRAL COAST, P.O. Box 1269, Arroyo Grande, CA 93421
Deadline, Week 1-May 19, Week 2-July 21. Camper Parent Information Letters will be emailed out one week before camps.
Call our Camp Director, Sarah Collins at 805-440-9982 or email
Program Director, Cheri Hess at 805-235-0819 or email or website:
We look forward to seeing all our campers this year at Camp Arroyo Grande!
Week 1- June 9-13, 2025. Registration is NOW open!
Week 2- August 4-8, 2025. Registration is Now open!